9 Herbs With Incredible Health Benefits

Don’t underestimate the healing power of herbs. They are incredibly beneficial to our health. Think of them as nature’s medicine!
9 Herbs With Incredible Health Benefits + Ways To Use Them
- Cilantro
- Pulls Heavy Metals from our Body, particularly in the Liver
- Supports our Adrenals
- Helps Balance Blood Glucose Levels
- Helps with Brain Fog/Memory Issues
- Is Antiviral and Antibacterial
Some Ways To Include Cilantro: Medical Medium’s Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie, Mexican/Taco type nights, or Homemade Hummus
- Parsley
- Highly Alkalizing Herb that Flushes Out the Acidity in our Bodies
- This Highly Alkalizing Effect makes it a Great Herb for Cancer Prevention
- Helps with Gum Disease, Dry Mouth, and Tooth Decay due to its ability to Stop the Growth of any Bad Bugs
- Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antiparasitic, and Antifungal
- Great at Pulling Out Herbicides and Pesticides from our Body
- Chalked full of Vitamins and Minerals
Some Ways To Include Parsley: Kimberly Snyder’s Glowing Green Smoothie, Mushroom Onion Herb Millet, Hemp Seed Tabbouleh

- Mint
- Great for Nausea
- Great for Headaches
- Immune Boosting
- Helpful for Flus and Sore Throats
- Helpful for Congestion and Respiratory Issues
- Improves and Soothes Digestion
- Soothes the Nerves (good for Stress + Anxiety)
- Promotes Alertness – Invigorating
- Improves Metabolism
- Helps with Blood Circulation
Some Ways To Include Mint: Peppermint Tea, Mediterranean Lentil Herb Salad, Hemp Seed Tabbouleh
- Basil
- Great for Digestion – Relieves Stomach Cramps, Helpful for IBS
- Relieves Nausea
- Good Source of Magnesium
- Support Cardiovascular Health
- Antibacterial + Antiviral – Good for Colds and Flus
- Antifungal Properties are Helpful for Insect Bites, Rashes, and Wounds
Some Ways To Include Basil: Avocado Herb Salad Dressing, Basil Lemon Garlic Hummus, Basil Pesto Portobello Mushrooms
- Fennel
- Eases Menstrual Cramps
- Helpful for Constipation, Indigestion, Bloating, IBS
- Rids Bad Breath
- Helps Protect Against Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer
- Prevents Hair Loss
- Improves Memory
Some Ways To Include Fennel: Fennel Tea, Fennel Apple Ginger Juice, Fennel Arugula Orange Salad
- Thyme
- Extremely Powerful Antiviral + Antibacterial Herb
- Calms the Nervous System
- Helps with Colds + Flus
- Relieves Headaches + Tension
- Stimulates the Memory
- Purifies the Digestive Tract
- One of the Higher Antioxidant Herbs
- Good Source of Calcium, Iron, Manganese, Selenium, and Potassium
Some Ways To Include Thyme – Thyme Tea – Thyme Sprigs or Tea Bags, Instant Pot Butternut Coconut Curry Soup, Sourdough Mushroom Herb Stuffing
- Rosemary
- Improves Concentration
- Stimulates Memory
- Improves Mood – Helpful with Sadness, Depression, Stress, and Anxiety
- Antiseptic + Disinfectant
- Boosts Immune System
- Helpful for Respiratory Issues
- Improves Circulation
- Fights Bacterial + Viral Infections
Some Ways To Include Rosemary: Instant Pot Rosemary Cauliflower Soup, Sourdough Mushroom Herb Stuffing, How To Make DIY Stovetop Potpourri
- Lemon Balm
- Calms the Nervous System
- Helps with Stress, Anxiety, Tension
- Helpful for Digestion
- Detoxes the Liver
- Fights Colds, Flu, Viruses – Antibacterial + Antiparasitic
- Helps with UTIs
- Conserves the Body’s B12
Some Ways To Include Lemon Balm: Lemon Balm Tincture Supplement, Fresh or Dried Lemon Balm Tea
- Oregano
- Powerful Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral Herb
- Great for Treatment and Prevention of Colds, Flu, and Viral Infections
- Improves Respiratory Issues
- Aids in Stomach Issues + Strengthens the Digestive Tract
- Powerful Herb for Candida Overgrowth, Strep + SIBO
- Great for Ringworm
- Helpful With Food Poisoning
- Helps Heal Ear Infections
Some Ways To Include Oregano: Supplement, Diffuse Oregano Oil, Roasted Creamy Tomato Soup
I hope you gained some valuable insight of how powerful herbs can be for us. Writing these posts for you, is always a great reminder for myself as well!

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