Welcome to her healthy style. A place to share whole food plant-based healthy recipes, wellness + rituals, clean beauty, life + style. A good dose of health with a good dose of style.

Hi! I’m Riane. Creator of her healthy style. Thank you so much for stopping by!
I hope to be a healthy influence for you in more than one way. From healthy recipes, to self-care rituals, clean beauty, life + style.
Our lives each have their own unique journey’s, full of ebbs and flows, and I’m so grateful to be a small part of yours.

I grew up in Wisconsin, but I have lived in Chicago for over 18 years now.
I’m fortunate to have had a more holistic and healthy environment growing up. I was born at home with a midwife, my dad is a Chiropractor, and my mom raised us on mostly healthy cooked meals from scratch when we were younger.
Although I have tested all of the unhealthy choices over the years, a healthier, more holistic way of living resonates with me the most.
It’s been about 15 years now that I have focused on what I am putting in my body, but even more so in recent years. An accumulation of environmental toxins had me extremely sick for over two years. I struggled with candida overgrowth, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), strep, nausea, major chemical sensitivities, neurological symptoms (dizziness), heavy brain fog, heavy feeling legs, and just feeling lethargic and tired all of the time. I also knew what it was like to feel amazing since I had for most of my life.
Although a horrible experience, I am grateful for it. I tried out some polar opposite diets (so yes, I’ve tried the high protein -lots of eggs/chicken, low carb, low fruit diet as well). It also opened my eyes to realizing it’s more than just food I needed to think about. The world we live in today is not the same as it was years ago. I have to work harder at keeping my body healthy. Be aware of my environment and the toxins around me (but not live in fear! – stressing about every little thing is far worse IMO!), do things that support my lymphatic system and elimination pathways on the daily, pay attention when my body feels off, and not only eat a whole foods plant-based diet, but a wide range of plant based foods to support a healthier microbiome/gut. Eat the rainbow.

Needless to say, my passion for eating and living healthy has grown exponentially because of that health set back. I feel fortunate to have gone through it so I could make changes to benefit not only my life, but my husband’s as well. I don’t want to just live a long life, but a long, healthy life that’s full of energy, zest, and joy! Truly living!

My schooling does not include a health degree (I have a Bachelors in Business), and nor do I have the desire to be a holistic health coach. My healing journey just inspired me to share how I live incase it can help you in any way. I hope to show you that a healthy lifestyle can in fact be enjoyable! If I didn’t enjoy it, it wouldn’t be sustainable.
You’ll find lots of delicious recipes on my site and healthier swaps. While it does take time for taste buds to adjust to a cleaner way of eating if you’ve been eating the SAD diet (Standard American Diet), I promise taste buds do change with time. I actually enjoy food now more than ever after really cleaning up my diet. We are living in a world where 80% of the so called food in the grocery stores is not actually real food (in America). Because it’s the norm, sometimes its hard to take a step back and realize the norm is not the way.

Who I Have Learned From:
- Kimberly Snyder’s (a holistic wellness expert and nutritionist) book The Beauty Detox Solution had a big influence on my outlook on food/health when her book came out in 2011. While not everything I learned from her resonates with me now, I still remember feeling my energy shift for the better once I started applying her food principles. I have her to thank for starting me on daily morning lemon water, a cleansing smoothie for breakfast (with just fruit and greens), as well as the importance of a plant-based diet.
- The Blue Zones – the world’s longest living cultures. Health is so much more than what we eat or don’t eat and they are really great at showcasing this.
- Medical Medium – I attribute his celery juice , heavy metal detox smoothie, 369 cleanses, and applying the information in his Liver Rescue book for turning my health back around after struggling for two years. I also worked with two different Functional Medicine Doctors (one being a top well-known doctor in the field) prior to finding his information. Their protocols didn’t help me heal and I gave them 100%. They are clearly healing others, but they didn’t work for me. I will always credit Medical Medium information for helping me self-heal – learning that the right food and proper cleansing can actually heal the body. If I waited for science and research to agree with his info, I might still be sick. There is also science and then there is $cience. So much of science is skewed due to the big corporations funding a certain outcome. Sad, but true. As much as I still apply information that I learned from MM and am extremely grateful for it, I don’t resonate with all of the information nor do I of anyone else 100%.
- Dr. Fuhrman (he wrote the book Eat to Live) – His term G-BOMBS (greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, seeds) is ingrained in my head.
I do believe that there is more than one way to cleanse and heal. Healing is not a one size fits all IMO.
I take what resonates with me along with what I’ve learned on my own wellness journey. Making sure to listen to where my mind & body is at today. It’s taken me years to be more intuitive with my body, but I’ve gotten to that point.

You don’t know what you don’t know. Always give yourself permission to change your mind. I will forever learn and tweak where I see fit. Plus, our bodies change as we age. It’s only inevitable that we will need to make some changes as we go along as well.
Do your own research, but really take your health into your own hands. We are our own health advocates and no one can better look out for our bodies than ourselves. Remember that none of us are identical either!

With all of this said, I am not perfect and nor do I want to be! Living healthy to me also means indulging sometimes guilt free. When I don’t deprive myself these times to eat/do whatever I please even if it’s not always the healthiest, it actually keeps me on this path of a healthy lifestyle. I never feel deprived of anything I really want this way and it makes me appreciate how I live. Plus, I am reminded of how great I feel when I do make healthier choices on the norm. If it’s healthy for my mind sometimes, it’s in turn healthy for my body.
Consistency Over Perfection with all.

Random tidbits about me…
Living a healthy style fuels me, but design and style is where my brain runs wild. Beautiful surroundings make me tick. I love creating beautiful spaces to evoke a sense of feeling. I am always styling my home. I feel when you are surrounding with spaces that bring you joy, it lights you up inside. Modern, Organic, Mediterranean, Retro, Boho, Classic, & Unique are styles I enjoy.

I would describe myself as an independent, creative spirit. I am an Aquarius, so apparently I am known for my spontaneous, persistent, balanced, passionate, yet witty nature. Let me know if I fall short of any of those. 🙂 I enjoy nightly baths, fresh greens and flowers, cultured music & food, farmers markets, fresh bars of soap, 100% dark chocolate, a cup of really good organic coffee & a glass of dry wine (all when the mood strikes), vintage/thrift shops, coffee table books, architectural digest, skincare products, and crystals & rocks – even though I don’t know what they all mean.

I love to ground in the grass when I can, follow the sun on walks, and pay attention to the birds, sunsets, moon and stars when I can see them. Although I feel great after a light yoga/Pilates mix, my favorite form of movement is walking outside. Just don’t use the term “hike” with me. I think of dusty dirt and getting bitten by bugs in dry heat.
I love turning everyday seemingly simple things into rituals. Living more mindfully, in the present, and enjoying the little things is really what it’s all about.

Door County & Tulum have been my two “happy places,” but after traveling to Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, I’m adding that to the list (especially since Tulum has changed in recent years).

At the center of my world is my husband who makes me laugh on the daily. He also helps me with technical stuff behind this site. I’m tech adverse; mostly because I don’t want to take the time to learn it. I’m working on that.

I am forever learning and growing.

When we know our WHY it helps us to consciously make every-day decisions that are in alignment with how we want to live. We are actively choosing what feels right for us. My WHY: For me I only have one body and I am going to do all I can to keep it as healthy as possible. I don’t want to just live a long life, I want to live a long healthy life in both body and mind. I want to live more presently, more clear minded, more energetic, more in love with this life that is oh so short. I want to inspire those that come across my path to live healthier. More than that though, I wish to inspire others to live authentically and in alignment with who they are, knowing that what’s in alignment with them today might look a bit different a year from now. That it’s okay to change their minds. I believe kindness, love, respect, and being non-judgmental (even if I’m being judged) has the best positive trickle effect. Those are my Why’s. So what are your why’s? Maybe write it down so you can return to it often.
I’m so grateful you are here!
Xx, Riane (pronounced Ryan)
You can usually find me on the daily on Instagram @herhealthystyle