I am a firm believer that having a good morning routine sets the tone and makes all the difference in our day ahead. It might sound like a stretch to say a foundational morning routine is life changing, but once you have formed one, tell me it doesn’t change your life for the positive. It will.
When you start your day off with a better foundation, you naturally want to make better choices throughout your day. Maybe not right away, but it will come with time. There is no one size fits all approach here. You have to find what works for you and fills up your cup. I also tweak my routine depending on the season and what I’m feeling. Feeling grounded is always my goal.
Some (not all) of my morning routine most days right now:
- Get up around the same time each day. 7am
- Pick a time that allows you to not be so rushed in the morning so that you are able to start out on a good note. Nothing is worse than waking up to an alarm and rushing like a maniac since you did not give yourself enough time to start the day. This also means you should try to get to bed around the same time each night. Figure out how much sleep you need and then try to give yourself this allotted time. Your body gets in a good rhythm when it’s consistently getting similar amounts of sleep.
- Splash my face with cold water to wake me up more & apply skincare. Sometimes I Gua Sha.
- Make my bed. This is a newer habit I have formed and I’m in my early 40’s. You are never too old to start forming the basic of habits.
- Dry brush & moisturize my body.
- Sip on 32 oz room temp lemon water throughout my morning. Right now I’m doing lemon ginger water & sometimes add in minerals to my filtered water.
- Set the timer for 13 minutes & jump on a rebounder. (13 is just a meaningful number to me)
- Do a 10-15 min workout on my mat.
- Do a 5-15 min Boho Beautiful Meditation – my favorite free guided meditations on YouTube.
- Go for a morning walk with Mark to get sunlight, movement, & fresh air. Most days it’s 15-20 minutes, but if we only have 5 before Mark needs to head to work, that’s what we do. Even 5 minutes outside makes a difference.
- Stop and say a mantra & practice gratitude on my walk. Feeling grateful and thankful starts our mindset off in a positive way for the day.
- Make a juice and breakfast smoothie. More days than not it’s a green juice and while I rotate smoothies, I feel extra energized after a green smoothie. Right now I’m on my Cleansing Pineapple Smoothie kick, but I usually like to rotate to a different one each week. The Glowing Green Smoothie recipe is a great easy recipe to begin with if you want a suggested breakfast. It’s a great balance of greens and fruit.
- I also minimize answering texts & calls until after 10am. (Work days in Chicago start later: 10am-8pm.) I can better show up for others when I show up for myself first.
Take the time to care for your mental, spiritual, and physical health. Xx Riane
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