I made this extra green banana lemon smoothie recipe for breakfast often the last two weeks. It’s the taste I was feeling like and my body was calling out for the extra green kale and spirulina. It tastes exactly as it sounds – like greens, banana, and lemon. Ha. You can use either kale or spinach. Kale will give it a more green forward taste and spinach will allow the sweeter banana to come forward more. I also add spirulina powder to it which makes it look and taste more green as well. Spirulina powder is loaded with phytonutrients including chlorophyll which our bodies want, supports our immune system, and contains plant protein amongst so much more. It’s my favorite superfood powder. While you can use fresh banana in this recipe, I think frozen banana makes it taste sweeter, creamier, and overall more delicious.

Extra Green Banana Lemon Smoothie Recipe
Makes about 48 oz – I split this amount with Mark, but enjoy whatever amount you desire. – It will still be good on day 2 if making in advance. Just shake well prior.
2 cups water
2 large handfuls or packed cups of either Kale (any kind) or Spinach
1/2 bunch celery as my first choice or swap for 1/2 large cucumber if out of celery – these help fill you up more too
4 frozen bananas, I slice before adding to blender
1/2 lemon, peeled
optional, but I like 1″ ginger, peeled
2 tsp spirulina powder
Add everything to a high speed blender and blend until smooth. ENJOY!
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