Self-Care is an active choice you make to do something that increases your state of well-being. You can’t think of it as a luxury; make self-care a priority in your life. Life may be busy and stressful with many depending on you. This is all the more reason to take care of yourself. You cannot give your best unless you feel your best.

Self-care looks different for each person. Here are some things I do to take care of myself:
1. Eat well.
Food has the ability to either add to your health or take away from it. It can either give you more energy or use up your energy. It can age you faster, or keep you looking more youthful longer.
2. Make sleep a priority.
Sleep gives your body time to rest and reset for the next day ahead. You are happier and have more energy when you get enough sleep. You can think more clearly and make better decisions. Getting enough sleep helps reduce stress. It also keeps you healthier and you get sick less often.
3. Get outside in nature.
Whether it’s going for a walk, grounding in the grass, or just stepping outside for a few minutes during the workday if that is all you have. The fresh air will do your body & mind good. It’s amazing what getting out in nature can do for your mood. The next time you are feeling less productive or need a break from your desk, step outside. Fresh air works wonders. Really breathe it in and be mindful of the time you are taking or yourself. It will change your mood.
4. Yoga For Self-Care
Whether it’s yoga like me or another exercise you enjoy, moving your body is so important. It boosts your mood, gives you energy, and reduces stress. You don’t need a lot of time each day to feel the benefits. If 15 minutes is all you have, do whatever speaks to you for 15 minutes. You’ll notice a difference if you are consistent.
5. Meditation For Self-Care
Meditation calms your nervous system and takes your body out of fight or flight. When I meditate routinely, I notice how much calmer and carefree I am throughout my days. It’s a big mood booster. I read recently if you are offended by something, you have not been meditating enough. 😊
6. Take A Bath.
A bath helps you relax, soothes muscles, and helps you sleep better when taken right before bed. It’s been proven to make your heart healthier and boost your mood by balancing hormones. This is my nightly ritual that helps calm my mind, slows me down, and relaxes me. This should probably be my #2. There are few things that top a hot bath for my self-care. I take one about 360 days a year.

7. Enjoy a Warm Beverage with a Book or Magazine.
Drinking a cup of tea, an elixir, or even a cup of coffee on occasion while paging through magazines, a good book or a coffee table book instantly brings me pleasure. It’s downtime, but at the same time it stimulates my brain with pictures or information that bring me joy or inspiration.
8. Don’t Overschedule.
Over committing can lead to over promising and spreading yourself to thin. It can make you feel rundown, anxious, or even bitter towards upcoming commitments. Prioritize your schedule. Schedule what you absolutely need to do and what you want to do. In addition to those commitments, schedule in a self-care day or weekend with no plans. The “plan” that day or weekend is to do what you really want to do. Even if it’s just catching up on groceries and getting organized. You are taking care of yourself by helping your mental state.
Really take the time to pause and listen to what your body needs. Make self-care a priority!
Grateful you are here! Xx Riane

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