There is just something about Jillian. We have only Instagram “met,” but she has that sweet girl next door personality with a contagious smile when it peeks out. Jillian is a mom of two, wife, and just became a Holistic Nutrition Coach! She herself has healed from over 15 chronic symptoms applying Medical Medium information. Let’s dive in and pick her brain.
First off, a HUGE CONGRATS on becoming a holistic nutrition coach!! Is getting sick what motivated you to become a health coach or have you always had this route in mind?
Thank you!! Yes becoming sick definitely led me on this path to becoming a health coach. When I was working on my own healing I really enjoyed sharing tips and what was helping me and thought to myself I could really help someone with this information.
If you don’t mind sharing, what were the main symptoms you struggled with and how long did you struggle?
Shortly after having my first daughter I started to develop migraines and dizziness which led to vertigo, constant dizziness, head pressure and anxiety for around 3 years.

You’ve mentioned that you healed with Medical Medium information. Was Medical Medium information the first route you went, or did you try other protocols/doctors/methods of healing first? What drew you to try MM’s information out?
Of course I went to my Dr first, then an eye specialist, an Ent, neurologist, physical therapist, nutritionist, had blood work and a cat scan done. I didn’t get answers to why I was feeling this way from any of them and was only offered medication. I tried the Heal Your Headache diet, which helped me cut out processed food but I was still so sick. I knew medication wasn’t the answer for me and soon began to realize I was on my own. I started to research a more holistic approach. I started reading Dr Joe Dispenza’s books and meditating daily. I was regaining hope! I found Medical Medium’s information while scrolling on my phone for holistic healing protocols. He talked about the symptoms I had and how to heal them. I was so intrigued I bought a juicer the next day! I started juicing just celery first and taking away foods like eggs, dairy, gluten, corn, soy, canola oil and caffeine. After staying consistent on this new routine my symptoms started to disappear within months and I felt the best I had in years!

Do you have a favorite Medical Medium book that helped you the most?
Liver Rescue, that’s the one I started with and always go back to. This book gave me so much hope and I’m forever grateful for it.
Can you pinpoint the biggest stepping stone in your healing journey, or what helped you “move the needle”?
Besides switching up my diet, I think it was when I let my expectations go. I let go of my timeline. I use to put so much pressure on myself like it was race and I had to be healed by this certain date or time. Once I let that go and just focused on each day doing the best I can, no expectations, that’s when the needle moved.

How has this whole experience impacted your life in a positive way?
It has made me realize how important my health is, and the person I want to be for my girls. After being so sick for what felt like an eternity it’s made me so grateful and created this awareness about what our bodies truly need to thrive and heal. It’s helped me become a great teacher for my friends and family.

You are a mom to such cuties! I enjoy watching your little girl help you make celery juice. There are many moms out there wondering how to get their kids to eat healthier. Any tricks or advice for them?
Thank you! I think it always helps when your kids see you cooking or help you in the kitchen. It helps them become familiar and interested in different foods. I like to put new foods on their plate and not make a huge deal about it, most of the time they will try it and like it. Sometimes not so much but that’s ok! I still make their favorites but just healthier versions by reading labels and buying products without all the added msg, flavors and dyes. I talk about foods that are healing and foods that are harming to us. I try not to push it too hard. I keep lots of fruit in the house and make sure to bring them cut up fruit often. We’re not perfect but we’re doing our best!

We just had Thanksgiving, and Christmas is going to be approaching soon. How do you approach the holidays with food and family?
We have a big family so I usually ask my mom what I can bring to help. Since it’s not typically something I would eat I will make myself a big plate of whatever I’m feeling like that day, always with a side of steamed potatoes. I’ll bring bananas and dates as well. Doing this always helps me feel my best.
You’ve mentioned you live in a small town and don’t always have access to certain items. Do you have any tips for others living in small towns trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
I live about 40 minutes from a bigger city that has more options so I normally go there every other week and stock up on what I might need. I also use Misfits Market and get a weekly order of fresh produce delivered, very helpful!

Typical breakfast?
The Medical Medium heavy metal detox smoothie.
Typical lunch?
Either a big fruit smoothie with leafy greens or steamed potatoes.
Your go-to healthy dinner?
Lately it’s been pasta cooked with a vegetable, like broccoli, cauliflower or brussel sprouts. Then I’ll add some coconut amino’s, ginger powder, tahini/date sauce, and some red pepper flakes. It’s easy and delicious!
Favorite go-to drink.
In the winter it’s peppermint tea, but for the summer it’s lemon water or melon juice. Any kind of melon juiced and I’m a happy girl!
Do you have favorite meal or snack that you do not consider healing or healthy, but you enjoy on occasion?
Yes! Chocolate chip cookies or toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich with sliced bananas.
What’s a favorite recipe you make for family and friends that eat a bit different than you?
Medical Medium wild blueberry muffins or sweet potato and black bean tortilla soup.

What does your morning routine look like?
Being greeted by my girls, attending to their needs, then making lemon water and having a big spoonful of honey. I’ll then prep my produce for my morning juices. After getting my daughter out the door for school, my little one and I will make juice. I clean up my kitchen then sit down and nurse my girl while I catch up on messages and emails. I’ll sip on my juices throughout the morning and wait at least 30 minutes after my last juice to make my heavy metal detox smoothie, my favorite meal of the day!

What does your nighttime routine look like?
After getting my girls to bed, I’ll clean up the kitchen, take my supplements usually with a side of dates haha. Sometimes I’ll make some tea. Wash my face, brush my teeth and get into bed for a meditation.
Favorite form of self-care.
Hands down it’s massage! I try to get one monthly but weekly would be a dream! Also any alone time always feels like self care too.
Top 3 favorite clean beauty products.
Ilia true skin serum concealer. Cocokind texture smoothing cream. Cocokind organic chia face oil.
What book are you currently reading?
Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza.

Lastly, do you have a motto, fun fact, wellness tip, or anything else I should have asked you and did not?
Whenever I need clarity on a situation or am feeling overwhelmed I always turn to meditation. It’s my absolute favorite healing tool!

Jillian, are you taking on new clients or how can others reach you if they want to work with you?
Yes, anyone can reach me on Instagram @healingspoon_ or Facebook Healingspoon
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