This was my 10th round of doing a Medical Medium’s 369 Liver Rescue Cleanse. I did 4 my first year of finding Medical Medium information, 3 the second, 2 last year, and this is my first this year. You can find different versions of the 369 cleanse in the Cleanse To Heal book.

Medical Medium’s 369 Liver Rescue Cleanse
Which Cleanse Version Should You Do?
If you are wondering which cleanse to start with, I would get the book and skim it over first. Pick which cleanse speaks to you and read about your version really well. It’s much easier going into a cleanse prepared and knowledgable about it.
Celery juice is also a part of the 369 cleanses. If you can, drink celery juice on an empty stomach every morning for awhile first. This way it won’t be such a shock to your system when you do it during a cleanse.
Also, if you don’t have a cleaner diet already, I would take some information from the book and apply it to your day to day life first. It will be much easier on your body than just diving in. You can find Medical Medium’s recommended foods to avoid here.
I did the Original Cleanse many times before doing his Advanced Cleanse. I also stuck in one Simple Cleanse, but I found that it was not cleansing enough for me. Maybe it would have felt different having started out with that one, but since I already did a harder one, I didn’t feel I got as much out of it.

Why Cleanse?
Doing a really good cleanse like the 369 Liver Rescue Cleanse helps us detox an excess of pathogens, toxins, heavy metals, radiation and old built up sludge that would never get released if not for a good cleanse. When we have too much of any of it built up in our body we start having health issues. Even if you feel great and healthy already, it’s all the more reason to keep feeling this way.
Healing Plans For Suffererers Of Anxiety, Depression, Acne, Eczema, Lyme, Gut Probems, Brain Fog, Weight Issues, Migrains, Bloating, Vertigo, Psoriasis, Cysts, Fatigue, PCOS, Fibroids, UTI, Endometrios & Autoimmune
Cleanse To Heal Book
Are there other ways to cleanse?
Absolutely! I try to have cleansing fruits, vegetables, juices, teas, and detoxifying super powders on the regular. I wrote this post on detoxifying our bodies here.
There are also great smaller cleanses like the Medical Medium Morning Cleanse. I highly recommend all of it. However, doing something for a full 9 days without any fat (even healthy fat), salt, or extras, takes cleansing to a whole other level. I have learned from Medical Medium that fat blocks detox and salt traps toxins.
Why Medical Medium Cleanses?
Out of all the cleanses I have tried, these have been BY FAR the most effective. They are also very safe for our bodies, which many cleanses are not. They may be really hard for many, but what you get from it is well worth the effort you put into it. If I am going to put time and money into a cleanse, I want it to be worthwhile.

How The Cleanses + Medical Medium Information Has Helped Me
I had an overload of symptoms for two years.
I found Medical Medium information after two years of being sick. Although I am one to self-heal, I felt so sick that I didn’t know where to start. I was dealing with bad brain fog, extreme dizzy spells, neurological issues, chemical sensitivities, nausea, food sensitivities, candida, SIBO, strep, heavy feeling legs, teeth issues, and extreme fatigue at times. I felt great before this overload of symptoms came about, so I knew what it felt like to feel good and I would do whatever it took to get back to that place.
After working with two different Functional Medicine Doctors for about two years, getting lots of tests done (extensive bloodwork, stool, urine, hair), doing long protocols, cleanses, eating a very different diet than I was use to (high protein & not much fruit), and doing many supplement routines, I still felt terrible. Thankfully my initial bloodwork was some of the best they had seen and I produced a higher amount of dopamine naturally which I swear kept me going. I followed everything to the exact, but I still had a high amount of bad bacteria and heavy metals in my body. Yes, I felt good here and there, but nothing sticked. A lot of it was just temporary band-aids and so much set me backwards.
Introduction To Medical Medium
I had just ended my session with the last doctor and felt at a loss when I heard about Medical Medium’s celery juice. I figured I had nothing to lose, bought a juicer, and started right away. After my brain fog started lifting and my gut was starting to feel better (all very quickly), I dove into his Liver Rescue book. It all made sense to me and most of it aligned with what I viewed as a healthy way of eating already.

Heavy Metals + Toxins + Bad Bacteria
I didn’t realize how much damage heavy metals, pathogens, and toxins could have on our bodies. I started drinking his Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie for breakfast most days. On top of this I cut out all of his “no” foods to make sure I was not feeding any bad bacteria.
I had already eaten a healthy plant forward diet for the majority of my adult life. Not to the extreme I do now, but it was still healthy overall. With that said, I was not consuming all of the right cleansing foods. Plus, some things that I thought were great for me were actually terrible and feeding my bad bacteria.

Starting The Cleanses
Needless to say I was feeling better by leaps and bounds in a very short time and then started diving into his cleanses. Within that first year of applying all things Medical Medium, my symptoms were pretty much gone. It was all so gradual that there was no one day, I was like “ok, I’m all better now.” All the symptoms just slowly started to disappear. I learned when I tried to heal one thing, I was actually healing so many things and most of it was related. It’s just what came first.
I would have never suffered like I did if I had found Medical Medium information earlier. With this said, I learned so much from it all and I’ll never take my health for granted anymore.

Remaining Symptoms
To this day I still have some chemical sensitivities that may stick with me forever, but they are night and day from before. I am very sensitive to things like strong conventional perfume and toxic scented candles. However, I don’t consider it a bad thing anymore. It just makes me super aware of all the toxins everywhere.
One Advantage Of Getting Sick
I always think having been sick gives me an advantage. There is something about being sick that gave me the STRONGEST willpower to do anything…including sticking to these cleanses. If you were ever sick, you get me. We literally know what it’s like to feel our worst and will give it our all to feel or keep feeling our best.
I’m Far From Perfect
There are things I do, eat, and drink now that are not under my typical “healthy umbrella.” However, it’s this balance that I have found works best for me. By allowing myself to enjoy these things keeps me enjoying the overall healthy lifestyle I have. It’s also why I need to keep cleansing. 😊

I use the Nama J2 Juicer and it shines in bulk juicing. Shop through this link and use code RIANE55 to save $55 off the J2.
Code RIANE10 saves you $10 off Wilderness Poets order $49+. This is where I buy a large bag of dragon fruit powder from- an ingredient in the Liver Rescue Smoothie.
MEDICAL MEDIUM’S 369 Liver Rescue Cleanse | Video Of My Cleanse On YouTube

Thank you so much for following along! I am grateful you stumbled upon this blog of mine. xx Riane
Comment below if you have any questions or just want to say hello! 🖤
This post contains affiliate links, which means I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you. I am only featuring items I love. As an amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you so much for your support! See my full disclosure.
Help! I just ordered the dragon fruit and accidentally hit pickup!! I live in Minnesota and need it shipped!
Rita Koll
Hi Rita! Call Wilderness Poets and let them know. They should be able to look up your order and help you out! Their number is 844-945-3649
Since you have had so much experience now with celery juice in your everyday routines and with cleanse terms, do you make the juice fresh each and every day? Have you tried to make it ahead of time in batches? If yes did you feel it was just as effective?
Strangely this morning juicing is one thing that really holds me back so i would love to hear your honest opinion.
Thx for your time, mollie
Hi Mollie! I do make the juice fresh daily 95% of the time. If I’m traveling or guests are coming over I’ll sometimes make it ahead of time though.
It is ideal to drink it fresh since there are more enzymes right after juicing it. If you do decide to make batches ahead of time though, pour the juice in airtight containers (I use mason jars) and fill them to the tippy top so that there is less oxidation.
For me personally (and my husband), we do find it less effective when we batch juice ahead of time. I can’t quite pinpoint it, but we feel the energetic & bathroom situation more day of. However, if it’s between having it and not having it, absolutely batch juice. Maybe only juice 2 days at a time if possible. It would save time every other day. I personally wouldn’t juice batch more than 3 days at a time though. I hope this answer helps you a bit. Wherever you are at, you are doing amazing! Celebrate the wins and let the other stuff go. Little by little, more habits will form and become easier. Thanks so much for reading and following along. Xx Riane