It’s that time of year when I am more faithful with supplements and teas, but another thing I take when something is going around is a spoonful of raw garlic and raw honey. Both raw garlic and raw honey have antibacterial and antiviral properties and are some of the best of nature’s medicine. They are high in antioxidants, boost the immune system, help prevent sickness, and help combat sickness. While always great by themselves, I’ve read that when taken together, raw honey and raw garlic is even more powerful for combatting whatever it is up against.
It’s ideal if the raw garlic clove is chewed up, cut up, or minced to activate the allicin in the garlic. Sometimes I’ll just swallow raw garlic, but more often than not, I’ll put a super small clove on raw honey or raw honey comb if I have it (the comb really helps with the texture of chewing a garlic clove), and just chew it down. Yes, it’s bad breath, but unless I need good breath that day, I deal with it for the benefits. Mary Poppins “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down….” sings in my head when I’m putting the garlic clove on the honey. π
Another great way to get both in: Mince raw garlic and add a bit of raw honey with lemon juice to salads.
Note: When I’m chewing raw garlic with honey, I’m using super small garlic cloves. A big one would be super uncomfortable for my stomach.
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Xx Riane (pronounced Ryan π )
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