I just did a huge healthy grocery haul this week and I thought I would share it with you!

I also limit my vinegar, even apple cider vinegar. After so many years of using it almost daily in salad dressing, it started to upset my stomach and I learned that it was pickling my organs. Yes, apple cider vinegar is still the best out of the bunch and is great to use topically, but you may want to limit it if you are struggling with some health issues. Any recipe that I need vinegar for I usually substitute it for lemon juice. After a few years of cutting it out all together, I have now brought it back into my diet in small amounts. You may have noticed that it’s in many of the “healthier” packaged foods and breads which is mainly where I am getting it from. You can read about the downfalls of vinegar here.
If you are wanting to eat healthier, but it all seems overwhelming, don’t aim for perfection. That never works. Make changes each month or every few months until they become second nature. When you have those changes down, make a few more changes, and so on. Progress, Not Perfection. For me too.
I hope you are able to take away some inspiration from this very raw video. Ha! Got a little windy in places. I probably should have ate dinner first, but it’s authentic. 😊
Thank you so much for following along! If you would like to see more grocery videos or a video of something else, let me know in the comment section below. xx Riane

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