If you are feeling overwhelmed with information and don’t know where to start in making steps towards a healthier lifestyle, I have just two changes that I recommend you start with. These changes will make an impact on you and you’ll eventually start to feel a shift in energy. This mental and physical energy shift will then motivate you to continue on, when you are ready that is. How + Where To Start A Healthy Lifestyle:
First, how do I develop a healthy lifestyle?
It’s impossible to change everything at once, nor should you try. If you did attempt to do it all or even a lot, chances are you wouldn’t stick with it.
How often have you had really good intentions, but it just didn’t stick? I’m guessing you were trying to do too much too fast or maybe you were just not fully committed like you thought you were? Sometimes we need to fall a few times before we are REALLY ready. 🙂
Check in with yourself. How badly do you want to be and feel healthier?? If you want it badly enough, you will absolutely be able to develop a healthy lifestyle. Mindset is more than half of it.
The key to not only making lifestyle changes, but also learning to ENJOY the new lifestyle, is Slow and Steady. Start by making small 1% changes that you turn into habits. When your changes become habits, then proceed with another small change. These small habits will continually add up. It’s a journey.
Check out the book Atomic Habits by James Clear if you need extra help on building good habits and breaking those that don’t serve you well.
Where do I start with a healthy lifestyle – for beginners?
I think the best place to start is your morning. When you start your day off with a better foundation, you naturally want to make better choices throughout the day. Maybe not right away, but it will come with time. You are also helping detoxify your body with these changes.
Making these two changes below will result in a morning energy shift with time.
- Start by drinking lemon or lime water first thing when you wake up. 16oz is a great place to start, but when you are ready, up it to 32oz.
- Squeeze a 1/2 lemon into your room temperature/cool water. If you drink 32oz you can do 1/2 or 1 lemon. I usually do 1/2 since I already go through a lot of lemons.
- Fresh lemons only. No lemon in a bottle, lemon essential oil, or any other lemony products.
- Drinking lemon/lime water first thing helps flush out the toxins that have accumulated overnight.
- Breakfast: Think fruit forward. A bowl of fresh fruit – as much as you need to feel full – or a smoothie or smoothie bowl.
- If you are struggling with health symptoms, check out the Medical Medium’s Heavy Metal Detox. I drank it almost every morning for a year while I was healing my body and I still continue to have it a few days a week. I cannot say enough good things about how healing this smoothie is. So much illness comes from a overload of heavy metals in our body.
- Kimberly’s Glowing Green Smoothie is a great option if you don’t want a cold smoothie and/or need to up your greens as well. It’s a great balance of greens and fruit, and helps you get both of these vital nutrients into your body right away.
- Medical Medium’s Liver Rescue Smoothie is another great option and it’s only 3 ingredients besides water. I’m sure the name gives it away, but it’s an extra great one for the liver.
- Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Ginger Smoothie is a bright & happy smoothie. It’s very customizable to taste preference as well.
- I personally skip adding any protein powders and fats (besides flaxseeds due to their cleansing nature) in my morning smoothies on the norm. I want my morning to be super cleansing. Even healthy fats get in the way of a cleansing morning as fat slows down the detoxification process. This is my viewpoint. Always do what you resonate with though.
- I usually do breakfast smoothies or whole fruits 6 days a week. On Sundays though or if I’m out, I have whatever I’m feeling like. Lately its pancakes. If you are looking for savory, try out these breakfast potatoes.
- Rotate fruit bowls and smoothies if you like change or stick with the same thing if it helps you form the habit. Sometimes not having to think about what you’ll be having is a good choice to start with. Do what speaks to you though.
- Buy organic when you can, especially with berries. Frozen organic fruit is often times more affordable and also great for a backup when you run out of fresh fruit. Frozen fruit also makes delicious smoothie bowls when you feel like eating a smoothie vs drinking one.
- Buy extra bananas so you can eventually peel and freeze them for backup as well.
- Melons move especially quick through the digestive system since they are made up of mostly water. To avoid any digestive discomfort, enjoy melons prior to eating other food.
- Fruit is the most cleansing food of all. If you happen to have a fruit fear, read this. Fruit is attached to fiber, vitamins and minerals unlike refined sugar.
- If you are sensitive to blood sugar spikes, add some herbs or greens to your fruit smoothies. I also use less liquid when I’m making a solid fruit smoothie as opposed to a green smoothie, so try that out as well. It’s more like I’m eating my smoothie vs drinking it. When we are eating or blending fruit though, it still has all the fiber from it so it is entering the bloodstream slower.
- This lifestyle is not about restriction and calorie counting. When you are eating whole plant-based foods, you can eat in abundance. So make sure that fruit bowl or smoothie is large enough to fill you up.
- Enjoying more cleansing foods makes you go to the bathroom more and that’s a good thing. We can’t get rid of the built up gunk and toxins in our bodies without releasing through waste, sweat, or deep belly breaths. I don’t do the latter two often enough, so I really count on cleansing foods for extra waste.

It’s more than just what we eat.
It’s the total energy we tap into. Besides focusing on what we eat, let’s not forget about exercise/movement, nature, gratitude, meditation (even if it feels awkward), getting good sleep, learning, taking breaks/having downtime, self-care, laughing, finding a passion or hobby, and connecting with others.
How to maintain a healthy lifestyle when you lack motivation.
If you start lacking motivation, just remind yourself of how much better you will feel mentally and physically if you keep going. Don’t give up on yourself. The improved energy, mentality, better sleep, clearer mind, lessened stress/tension, lower toxic load, a cleaner body, and just feeling full on life are all ahead of you in this lifestyle.

Don’t forget slow and steady. The small % changes are key. When/If you fall back to old habits at some point, don’t stress over it. Move on and just focus on getting back on track. You CAN do it.
It’s how we live the majority of the time, not every single minute.
Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle or “end”.
Invest in yourself. You are worthy.
“Get stuck on consistency, not on perfection.“
I’m cheering you on from afar! Xx Riane
Comment below if you have any questions or just enjoyed this post! Xx Riane
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List of Fruits & Vegetables | Healthy Grocery List
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