Today I am sharing healthier snack swaps in hopes to help make a healthier choice an easier choice for you. Eating healthier does not need to be about restriction but rather swapping out some less desirable choices for some better ones. Thankfully there are so many companies out there now that make healthier forms of our favorite mainstream snacks we all know. There is usually always a healthier swap option. Here are some of the top ones that come to mind for snacks:
Healthier Snack Swaps
I want to mention that just because some within a specific brand have good ingredients, does not mean they all do. Always read the ingredients to make sure they meet your cut. Plus, brands sometimes change ingredients which is annoying too.
Swap for Tostitos Chips:
Siete tortilla chips do not taste exactly like Tostitos, but they are a healthier, clean ingredient, go-to option. Siete Foods also has this dip chip which is a much sturdier chip for dipping and is a bit more reminiscent of Tostitos, but it can be harder to find depending on where you shop. If you are into cinnamon & sugar chips, Siete also makes a churro chip using coconut sugar. Costco sells an extra large bag of the sea salt tortilla chips for a great price if you happen to shop there.
These plantain chips might be something you enjoy too! I didn’t like them my first time, but now I love them! Satisfies the crunchy, salty fix and are more filling than most chips. I also find these at Costco sometimes!
Potato Chips:
I don’t think anyone would be disappointed with this swap! If you are a chipper, for sure give Boulder a try. The brand even has chips with the ridges too which I really like.
Simple Mills crackers are great crackers and one of the easiest swaps to make. I think they taste better than most crackers – healthy or not. Costco also sells a value pack of the sea salt ones. Note: Sunflower oil is in the Simple Mills crackers if you 100% avoid that. While I do minimize this oil on the norm, until they make better crackers of its type without it, I still have with them on occasion.
My personal go-to cracker most often due to not having any sunflower oil is Mary’s Gone Crackers in the Jalapeno and Rosemary. I try to avoid soy and some of the flavors have soy, so just be sure to check the ingredients for yourself. Mary’s Gone Crackers are super hard and seedy, so just know they are not a typical cracker. They are good with creamy dips like hummus, cashew cheese, and crunched on top of salads though.
I used to love popcorn. I have not had it in years as I eventually realized corn made me “fuzzy” (brain fog) shortly after eating it. Maybe I would be fine with it now, but now that I know about corn and have not had popcorn in so long, I’m good without it. However, it is a good thing I don’t go to a movie theatre. That smell!! It ranks right up there with the smell of bacon and eggs! Just because I don’t eat it does not mean I don’t think it smells good!
Nature Nate’s has two flavors that have clean ingredients – avocado oil & sea salt and masala. I will say it’s SUPER tiny “popcorn” so it’s not the same, but maybe it will do the trick for you. I like it! It tastes just like popcorn to me, but it does feel like you are eating the bottom of the popcorn bag the whole time. Ha.
Do you have a memory/connection with the famous Chips Ahoy cookie? My grandma used to have Brownberry bread and Chips Ahoy cookies in a bottom drawer in her kitchen. I can still smell that drawer if I think about it. I loved going to her house and having Chips Ahoy cookies amongst other things and I’ll forever think of her when I see them. This healthier Chips Ahoy swap tastes so close to the original chips ahoy without all the poor ingredients. The soft Simple Mills chocolate chip ones don’t meet my ingredient cut, but it’s not needed since the crunchy ones taste so much better!
For those on the go, this swap is for you. Autumn’s Gold granola bars are great tasting granola bars. Lara Bars are a great option too, but again, read the ingredients as some of the flavors might not meet your cut. Not all of them meet mine. 🙂
Chocolate Covered Almonds:
For your chocolate fix, pick HU’s. I can’t imagine it will let you down. I also grab their gems and bars on occasion too.
For more clean packaged food + snacks, check out my Amazon Storefront.
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