I asked followers on my Instagram @herhealthystyle if they wanted to see a grocery haul video and I got a resounding yes. So here is my first healthy grocery haul. People are always intrigued by what’s in people’s grocery carts. I know I wanted to know what was in a certain nutritionist’s cart for the longest time. Even when I got a glimpse of her shopping cart posts for inspiration, I’d get excited. Such a dork. 😂 Please tell me you can relate.
Keep scrolling down after (or before) you watch the video too! There is more in this post, including my Costco grocery list if you want it!
Grocery Haul Healthy | Weekly Grocery Haul
I hope you are able to take away some inspiration from this very raw, unedited video. Ha!
I forgot melons and oats in the car, but these were also a part of this day’s grocery haul. I do eat a lot of oats – oatmeal, oat cereal, and oats in pancakes.
I will share more future grocery hauls with you. Especially when there is a trip where I am buying more packaged/cleaner processed food. I tend to order a lot of packaged food online though. Check out the Shop Packaged Food section of the website to see some of the items I buy.
Summer is also the time where my husband & I enjoy eating as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. I don’t live in the kitchen nearly as long as I do in Fall and Winter when we are wanting more cooked recipes.
We also eat out or at a friend’s house around two meals a week lately. Although I am still pickier with what I’ll eat, it’s usually less healthy than what I would eat at home. I’m a big believer in indulging on occasion with zero guilt. So our meals out are where we let loose and indulge a bit more.
I do try to avoid these foods (eggs, dairy, gluten, pork, corn, artificial sweeteners, artificial & natural flavors, msg, canola oil, soy, farmed fish, & citric acid), but I still eat gluten & dairy on occasion and some of the others will easily sneak in when I am out too. Whether I am aware of it or not.
The healthier you eat, the healthier you will want to keep eating. Ask my husband. He jokes that I ruined him. He too feels so much better since we have opted for an extra clean diet. Remember that taste buds change with time too. I am always amazed at how little cravings I get after really cleaning up my diet.
If you are wanting to eat healthier, but it seems overwhelming, don’t aim for perfection. That never works. Make changes each month or every few months until they become second nature. When you have those changes down, make a few more changes, and so on. Progress, not Perfection. For me too.
Let me know if you enjoyed this video/post or have any questions by commenting below. Please share this video with anyone who may enjoy it!
Grateful you are here! 💛🧡💚 Riane
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