We have a cottage called Fish Creek Beginnings in Door County, WI that we have had for five years. While we do use it ourselves, we bought it to have as a vacation rental May through November. When we were looking at properties there was not much to choose from in our price range. There was nothing about this home that wowed us (besides the adorable yellow oven) or gave us the feeling like it was THE ONE like we had in our previous homes. With that said, we knew it was great for a rental. With some paint, furniture, décor, and elbow grease, we knew we could get it to where we wanted it to be.

I had a prior vision of wanting a Ralph Lauren floral French like cottage and that first year I tried to slowly go in that direction. I quickly realized that I could not force the house to be something it was not. It would be stripping away all of the original character. It’s a 1958 midcentury home and I needed to embrace it. Best decision I made as we have fully fallen in love with our cottage since then. With that said, we have done a lot of work and still have a few more things on the list, but we love the little yellow house. This house was a good learning lesson for me. I’ve learned to be more open when it comes to homes and styles. I didn’t get what I wanted, but rather exactly what I needed.

I hope the following pictures bring you some inspiration or even some good memories depending on your age. See anything in the pictures and want to know where I got it from? I’d be happy to answer in the comment section below.
I change out some décor during the spring/summer months, but these are the most recent pictures while we enjoy the home this winter ourselves.

Well, I hope you enjoyed scrolling through these pics! I enjoyed sharing them!
Grateful you are following along, xx Riane
Interested in booking our cottage? You can book here.
@fishcreekbeginnings on Instagram

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