Support your time of the month with herbal teas! Even if you are not a big tea person (I get it), try to at least drink tea the week leading up to your cycle and during your cycle. I have found that the right herbal teas make a big difference.
Best Teas For Menstrual Cycle + Cramps
- Raspberry Leaf Tea
Raspberry leaf is a huge support for women’s reproductive health. It helps with cramps, pain, bloat, heavy bleeding, and balancing hormones. Raspberry leaf also contains vitamin C, calcium, iron, and magnesium. To best help you, drink it the week leading up to your period and during your period. Of course you can always drink it daily as well.
Despite the name, raspberry leaf tea does not taste fruity; it tastes most similar to black tea.
Traditional Medicinals has quality potent bagged tea. I’m currently using this large bag of loose leaf tea. It’s a crazy good deal, but I do feel like it’s less potent than the Traditional Medicinals bagged tea. Mountain Rose Herbs is always a great site for high quality loose teas too. I have and highly recommend this teapot for steeping loose leaf tea and other concoctions.
- Nettle Leaf Tea
Nettle tea also helps with cramps, lightening our period, and balancing hormones. It’s also rich in iron and magnesium which are lowered during this time of the month. I like to drink both raspberry leaf and nettle mixed together the week leading up to my period or at least a few days prior and during my period. I’ll often mix in other tea like dandelion and ginger to get more benefits and change up the taste as well. It has a grassy hay-like flavor. It’s most similar to a green tea in taste.
- Ginger Tea
Helps reduce bleeding, inflammation, relieve pain in the moment, and it helps with nausea. I love the taste of ginger, so I often add grated ginger or ginger powder into teas. I also use these bags.
- Turmeric Tea
Turmeric helps with pain and inflammation during and prior to our period. It pairs really well with ginger too. I pair 1 tsp turmeric powder with a good amount of grated ginger or ginger powder, cinnamon, cardamom, & raw honey. I’m heavy handed with my dashes of spices. I also splash in some homemade almond milk if I have it on hand. You could also use this Golden Milk Turmeric Latte Recipe.
- Dandelion Tea
Dandelion tea is rich in iron which is lowered during this time of the month. It’s also best to drink it going into your period besides just on your period. The detoxifying herb is also a natural diuretic. It helps reduce water weight and bloat. Again, for extra benefits, I like to mix bags. For example I’ll mix a bag of roasted dandelion tea, a bag of raspberry leaf tea, and a bag of ginger tea sweetened with raw honey.
- Peppermint Tea
Reduces nausea, cramps, and pain. It’s also an immune boosting and invigorating “pick-me-up” tea – both of which we usually need this time of the month. Peppermint Tea Bags
- Chamomile Tea
Relaxes, calms the nerves, and eases tension. Good for in the moment cramps as well. Some teas I drink strictly for the health benefits; this one tastes so good to me with raw honey. Chamomile Tea Bags
- Dried Cramp bark (for extreme pain) & Ashwaganda (An adaptogen that is calming and at the same time gives us some energy. It’s helpful for our hormones, reducing high cortisol, and also beneficial for fibroids.) I find the loose root extra beneficial to mix in with other teas, but I also order this capsule too. Gaia is a brand I trust.
I had extra painful periods for 2 years. Those same two years coincided when I struggled with my health. It’s no coincidence. Painful periods are telling us something. Horrible periods might be common, but they are not normal.
Learning how to better nourish my body, cleanses, daily juicing, drinking enough water/juices/teas to help flush out toxins, making sure I was getting enough Omega 3’s, Magnesium, Iron, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D, all played a role in turning my periods back around.
Regardless if we have easier or harder periods, we generally have lower energy during this time of the month and the few days leading up to it. Remember to give yourself plenty of downtime and rest if you need it.
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