Choosing filters can be a bit daunting, so I thought I would share all of the filters in my home to possibly help streamline your decisions. I realize filters don’t filter out every single thing, but they do A LOT. I feel better knowing they help lower mine and my husband’s toxic load.
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Filters In My Home
Tap water is filled with aluminum, mercury, lead, chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, pharmaceuticals, and more. I’m sure you are hearing about it more and more, but all of this wreaks havoc on our bodies. Filters are one way we can help cut down our exposure to it all.
Big Berkey Water Filter
You may have heard me mention the Berkey before. I have only had it a little over a year and I wish I would have gotten it sooner. One reason I hesitated was because I didn’t know where I would put the thing. I then realized it was that important that it didn’t matter. I would figure it out. It now sits in my kitchen to the left of the sink and I don’t even think about it. I bought the Big Berkey, but I could have easily gotten the Royal size since we usually go through more than 2 gallons a day. The Royal is just too big in our kitchen and a bit harder to fill. If you have a large family though, I would look at the Royal size too. If you do get a Berkey, you may want their stand to set it on. Code herhealthystyle saves you a little bit off.
We use the Berkey for all of our drinking water and filling the teapot. I still fill many of our large pots to boil noodles and such from our sink, but obviously the more you use the Berkey the better. If you purchase a Berkey it comes with your first set of the main black filters, but I also purchased the fluoride filters as well. Click here to enter your zip code and find out what is in your tap water and see what Berkey is able to remove. I live in downtown Chicago and my water has 20 contaminants, 12 of which exceed the EWG Guidelines. Berkey is able to remove 16 of them; I think that is pretty great. If you are constantly on the go, check out the Berkey water bottle.
Under Sink Water Filter System
This is one filter that is not the greatest available, but it still helps. Because we still use the sink water to wash our produce and fill large pots on the stove, we continue to purchase this. We only have it hooked up on the cold water side because of how our sink is set up, so we do our best to mostly use cold water.
CuZn Bath Ball Faucet Filter – Bathtub Water Purifier
This is the best filter that I have found for our bathtub. I take a bath every night so this was just as important as a shower filter in my home. Again it does not filter out everything, but what it does is worth it. I can always tell the difference in my skin when it needs to be replaced. Our water also starts to smell like bad chlorine when it’s time for a new one. A filter lasts close to a year.
AquaBliss High Output Revitalizing Shower Filter
This is the shower filter we use and it’s a really great one. My husband could immediately tell the difference on his sensitive bald head when we added this filter to our rain shower. Because it filters, it helps with dry skin, itchy skin, dry hair, dandruff, and more. It should work on any showerhead unless it’s too low, in which case you wouldn’t have room for it. My husband said it’s super quick to install too.
AIRDOCTOR 4 IN 1 Air Purifier
We have a generic furnace filter that’s replaced by our condo building but it’s pretty poor. I knew we were breathing in terrible air and wanted to do something about it. After a lot of research, I landed on the AIRDOCTOR. I highly recommend it. In the summer months when I open our balcony doors, it will sometimes turn on high, letting me know the air quality outside is not great. (City Living). Also, anytime I’m moving a rug around or vacuuming and dust comes up, I also hear the filter turn on high. For the norm though, I can’t hear it at all.
We have a 1000 sq ft home so 1 purifier is adequate, but I have it placed by a doorway in a central location to filter both sides of our home. If you have a larger home though, you would need more than one. Otherwise you could just move it around depending on where you are the most.
Well, those are the filters in my home. Let me know if you have any questions in the comment section below! Also, if you have a filter you love that I didn’t include, comment as well. It may help myself or others too!
Thanks so much for following along! xx Riane
Find me on the daily @herhealthystyle

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